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they are oil and gas. Almost all states have a problem with trees and the waist of paper.

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oil and gas

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Q: What are some non renewable resources of Florida?
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Is gold a non renewable or renewable resources?

Gold is a non renewable resources

What are some non-renewable resources in Finland?

There are several kinds of non renewable resources in Finland. There are fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal, and oil.

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How does the consumption of non renewable resources effect the environment?

About the same as renewable resources, except that we cant renew the non renewable resources.

Are eggs renewable or non-renewable resources?

Eggs are renewable resources.

What resources are both renewable and non-renewable?

There is no single thing that is renewable and non-renewable at the same time. That's a contradiction in terms. Some kinds of wood (fast growing pine plantations, for example) are renewable, while other kinds of wood (teak and mahogany, perhaps) are non-renewable as they take very many years to grow again.

What are resources that can't be renewable called?

They are called Non-renewable resources.

What not considered to be a non renewable resource?

Something that is not a non-renewable resource is a renewable resource.Renewable resources include:solar energywind energyagricultural resources

What are some of Frances non renewable resources?

some non renewable resouces are coal iron and fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

How do you control use of non renewable resources?

you can control the use of non renewable resources by using less

Which are non renewable resources?

Non renewable resources, as the name suggests, are resources that cannot be renewed. This includes fossil fuels, such as coal, crude oil, natural gas and solid petroleum (tar sands), as well as mineral resources, such as metal ores and diamonds.