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Solar, Wind, Water. geothermal,tidal,ocean energy etc

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9y ago

Wind energy (windmills), solar energy , solar conductor , geo-thermal energy, and tidal energy are nonconventional sources of energy.

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Wind energy Wind energy Wind energy

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Q: What are some non polluting sources of energy?
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What are the sources of environmental health?

Sustainable living by everyone.Clean, non-polluting industries and cities.Careful non-polluting agricultural practices.Non-polluting sources of energy, that is, renewable sources.Environmental laws passed, monitored and enforced.International treaties supported by all countries.

What is green energy?

Green energy is the term used to describe sources of energy that are considered to be environmentally friendly and non-polluting

Why is the replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources highly probable?

Fossil fuels are polluting, releasing carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that is causing global warming.Renewable energy is clean, non-polluting, free, and everlasting.

What is the difference between a polluting energy and a non-pulluting energy?

no such thing. all energy sources produce at least some waste heat which can be considered a pollutant... even the cleanest. Perhaps one could say "order of magnitude of pollution".

Definition of non conventional sources of energy?

non conventional energy sources are those energy sources which are exposed to use from modern technologies advancements ; rather than the normal use of conventional fuels as energy sources like gas or oil

If an energy source is nonrenewable?

some energy sources are non renewable but some are renewable

What are types of non polluting power generation?

Some types of non-polluting power generation include solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, and geothermal power. These sources generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or other pollutants that harm the environment.

What are six things that are renewable energy sources?

Renewable energy comes in many forms. Its main advantage is its non-polluting contribution to our energy,wind,hydro,tidalwave,geothermal.

What are some energy sources instead of fossil fuels?

Any of the renewable energy sources can be used instead of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). They have the advantage of being clean, green and non-polluting to the environment, and not contributing to global warming. They are solar, wind, hydro, tidal and wave, and geothermal among others.

What is a pro for solar energy?

solar cells are quiet and non polluting

Benefits of solar energy?

Renewable, non-polluting once in place.

Why are wind farms needed?

They're a renewable, non-polluting energy source.