Here are some of the legitimate child charities that you can work for and help: Human Rights, Child Protection, Cancer, AIDS, Youth Development and Hunger.
There are any number of websites that you can look at to tell you whether or not a charity is legitimate. Try Charity Navigator out.
child line
If the child is YOUR child, the child is your legitimate child, married or not.
The charities which are available to support child development are Charity for Children, Give Well, Supported Child Development, Catholic Charities Child Development Center, Children«_s Defense Fund and many more.
The differences is that the legitimate child is the legal child while the illegitimate child is the illegal child.
Anti child labor group
Their are dog charities, needy charities, homeless charities, watoto charities and a lot of different charities that you can go to or look at if you want to help a charity in need, or if your doing a report on a charity loo here and look at the different charities you can help or look at espesially if you want to adopt a child go to and you can adopt a boy or a girl it doesnt matter what age just help!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good child-started charities can include cupcakes or cookies.
The Legitimate Child - 2013 was released on: USA: April 2013
Child Fund
You can go to the charities's website to find out more information about their history and mission.
Most childrens charities dear to my heart deal with childhood cancer. One is the Four Diamonds Fund for Hershey Medical Center in Pennsylvania. This fund helps children and families deal with childhood cancer. A similar fund is the Johns Hopkins Childrens Center in Baltimore, MD. They also have a fund to help with childhood cancer. If you are looking at a national level I would suggest the Ronald McDonald House. All of these charities are great ones are are absolutely all legitimate!