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Taigas are damaged every day by things that affect most of the worlds ecosystems, such as acid rain, caused by pollution, and destruction of the environment. Also something that affects taigas are soil depletion. When crops or trees are cleared out the soil gets washed away, damaged, and then takes about five or more years to recover from this.

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13y ago

basicly , there is i trible group in that area (nakawatski) and they destroy that area as they believe that it is the only way of gaining spiritual enlightenment

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it cant fly

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Q: What are some environmental threats to taiga?
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The factors of a taiga forest is the soil is very nutrient and firtle

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Environmental (natural) threats include - Flood - Fire - Earthquakes, storms and tornadoes - Excessive Heat - Inadequate Power Supply (People are still the biggest threat, but aren't environmental.)

How do people destroy the taiga biome with man kind to make houses or stuff like that to destroy the taiga biome houses to all kinds of animals to get there way and hurt the animals by killing things?

The main causes to Environmental damages in the Taiga is: People are tearing down trees and burning them in the Taiga Biome. They are Burning many areas of it to build houses in the Taiga also.

Is permafrost a characteristic of the taiga?

Yes, it is found in some parts of the taiga.

Do bats live in the taiga?

Yes. Some bats live in the taiga.