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prosperity happiness

good economy etc

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Q: What are some characteristics of a golden age?
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Age and gender

Is it the golden age or gilded age?

It's the Golden Age

What was the greatest contribution of the Islamism's golden age?

Islam had a golden age. Islamism has never had a golden age.

What was the time known as the golden age?

i think it was in the 1900 at some ponte

What is the ISBN of A Golden Age?

The ISBN of A Golden Age is 0719560101.

What were the late 1600s and early 1700s known as?

The Golden Age of Pirates

What emperor was know of the golden age of rome?

It was not the golden age of Rome. it was the golden age of Roman literature, which, in turn is subdivided into the Age of Cicero and the Augustan Age. Therefore, the emperor associated with the second part of this golden age was Augustus.

What were some of the fields of study in which Athens excelled during the GOlden age?

The Athens defeat of Sparta. This is one of the fields of study in which Athens excelled during its Golden Age.

Who reigned in a golden age?

Pericles reigned in the golden age of Athens.

When did the Golden age of jazz start?

he golden aGe of tHe 70'S