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Oil spills help divert attention away from other problems, and can act as a scapegoat for things actually caused by other things. For example, economy problems and joblessness can be blamed on an oil spill.

Within particular companies, persons may be laid to task for the spill, and may be fired or demoted. This allows other people to be promoted and take these newly emptied positions. Even the people fired may benefit. In addition to severance packages, they can blame their firing on an accident that was 'not their fault', when their firing could also have been for other reasons such as work ethic or personality.

Major oil spills can also increase the price of oil, benefiting other oil companies. Workers may be hired to clean up the spill, increasing employment in the pollution clean-up sector. Boycotts of particular gas stations increase gas purchases at other stations.

Legislatively, oil spills show where regulation is weak. This eventually leads to new, better laws being passed that prevent more oil spills, or lessen the severity of the spills.

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14y ago
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7y ago

There ARE no advantages to an oil spill. It is a very costly accident that damages plants and animals for an extended time. This is like asking about the advantages of tidal waves, earthquakes and tornados.

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13y ago


con : u wont get to drink it :)

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14y ago

Well one problem is that the water where it spilled gets polluted. Another problem is that lots of animals get oil coated fur and could die.

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