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  • People who witness bullying and do nothing about it are called 'enablers' and they are just as bad as the bully. In most schools there are only a handful of bullies in comparison to 200 - 300 or more students that are not and it is up to the students to start a program to protect those that are bullied and more and more students are starting programs in their school. Bullying causes physical illness; depression; a feeling of being detested and alone and in some cases suicidal thoughts that are often carried out.
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A person who sees anything happening is called a witness. They might also be innocent bystanders, or they may be participants or accomplices. There are a number of ways bystanders may react. Some may act like they saw nothing and leave. Others might say something in general to diffuse the situation. Others might speak up for the person, some might condemn the bullying or the bully, and some may take up for the bully or join in. Then there are cases where nobody is innocent at all, but involved in some way, like when it is bidirectional bullying, and everyone has taken sides like in WWII.

So bystander or witness is what you would call the person, but there are other names based on their specific roles. They might be informants, reluctant witnesses, negotiators, accomplices, etc.

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Should students be expected to intervene if they witness bullying?

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Should people who witness bullying intervene?

Yes, bystanders should intervene. Having someone just standing around will not help the situation.

Person who has witnessed a bullying incident?

A person who has witnessed anything is called a witness. Ideally, they should get involved or inform on the bully, but they are either afraid themselves, or they give into the "bystander effect." The bystander effect is when many people witness something and fail to act, often believing someone else will get involved. Sometimes every witness has that attitude, and nobody helps the victim.

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bullying isn't really preventable. wherever you go you will witness bullying. bullies will bully whether you have or havent done something wrong. the only way is to keep yourself to yourself and don't get too close to people. cause they can let you down when you don't expect it.

Why is bullying called bullying?

Because it is !

Do people need a witness for Confirmation?

They are called sponcers...but yeah.

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What is bullying when you do nothing about it?

It's still called bullying.

You witness an instance of bullying among several campers. Please describe how you would address this situation?

I would try to figure out what, why and when the bullying started. I would also talk to each of them separately to try to figure out why they r bullying. I would try to figure out how to stop the building also. I don't like bullying so I try to help as many people as I can.

What are ways of bullying besides verbal and physical?

I'm not sure what it's called, but there is bullying by simply excluding people-for example, not letting them sit at your table at lunch.