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Q: What are five sources of non point- pollution?
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Difference between point and non point source pollution?

the difference is that a point source pollution comes from a specific site & the non-point source pollution comes from many sources rather than a single specific site. or point source pollution is pollution that comes from a known and specific location. Nonpoint source pollution is pollution that does not have a specific point of orign....................:-)Hisme John

What is pollution that comes from many different sources called?

Pollution that comes from many different sources is called diffuse pollution. This type of pollution is non-point source pollution and can be challenging to control and reduce due to its dispersed nature across various sources.

What is pollution that comes from only one source called?

Pollution that comes from only one source is called point source pollution. This type of pollution is often easier to identify and regulate compared to non-point source pollution, which comes from multiple sources.

What is the difference point source pollution and nonpoint source pollution?

the difference is that a point source pollution comes from a specific site & the non-point source pollution comes from many sources rather than a single specific site. or point source pollution is pollution that comes from a known and specific location. Nonpoint source pollution is pollution that does not have a specific point of orign....................:-)Hisme John

What is the difference between point and nonpoint sources of pollution?

Point sources of pollution come from a specific identifiable source, such as a factory or sewage treatment plant, while nonpoint sources come from diffuse sources like agricultural runoff or urban stormwater. Point sources are easier to regulate and control because they originate from a single location, while nonpoint sources are more challenging to manage due to their dispersed nature.

What is the difference between point pollution and non point pollution?

Point Source contamination comes from one direct source, such as a factory. (Thus the "point"). A Non-Point Source comes from a variety of sources in two categories: Fugitive or Mobile. Fugitive Non-point pollution includes things like dirt roads, farmland-plowing, surface mines,construction sites... while Mobile Non-point Pollution comes from thousands of cars in the city, trains, airplanes/jets etc. it's non-point source since there are many different ones.

Definition of non-point source water pollution?

Non-point source water pollution refers to contamination that comes from diffuse sources, making it difficult to pinpoint a single origin. This type of pollution typically results from runoff carrying pollutants such as sediment, nutrients, and chemicals from a variety of sources, including urban and agricultural areas, into water bodies.

What is an example of a non-point water pollution?

An example of a non-point source water pollution is agricultural runoff, where pesticides and fertilizers are washed into nearby water bodies by rain or irrigation. This type of pollution comes from diffuse sources and is challenging to regulate and control compared to point source pollution from specific industrial outlets.

Which of the following could be either a point or non-point source of water pollution in North Carolina?

Agricultural runoff, urban runoff, and leaking septic systems are examples of both point and non-point sources of water pollution in North Carolina. These sources can contribute to pollution through runoff containing contaminants like pesticides, fertilizers, and bacteria, which can enter water bodies and harm aquatic ecosystems.

Non-point source pollution?

Non-point source pollution refers to pollution that comes from multiple sources and is not easily traced back to a specific origin. This type of pollution is typically caused by activities such as urban runoff, agriculture, and forestry, where pollutants are carried by rainwater or snowmelt into water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. Non-point source pollution is a significant environmental concern as it can lead to water pollution and ecosystem degradation.

What does it mean to be a non point pollutant?

A non-point pollutant is a pollutant which has a source that is not readily apparent. Unlike pollution from sewage plants which is easy to indentify, non-point pollution is often caused by rain, or snowfall which causes pollutants to run off and empty in body of water and such. They carry away pollutants from their sources or points, which is why this effect is called Nonpoint source pollution

Pollution that comes from a specific site?

Point source pollution refers to pollution that can be traced back to a single, identifiable source, such as a factory or wastewater treatment plant. This type of pollution can be easier to regulate and control compared to non-point source pollution, which comes from diffuse sources like agricultural runoff or urban runoff.