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An acid that is at a zero on the ph scale

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Q: What acid that burns through stuff?
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Related questions

What chemical cause burns and are poisonous if absorbed through the skin?

it is acid it burns everything in its path.

What are effects of reflux acid?

The acid burns through the lining of the esophagus. It is sometimes called Heartburn.

How do insects get affected by acid rain?

the acid burns them ?

How do acids and bases differ from neutrals?

well... acid burns stuff like jelly fish but those pesky bases are turkey repellants but thats not my proplem

What acid burns your stomach?

The acid used in your stomach is Hydrochloric acid (HCl).

Where is the treatment available if burned with sulfuric acid?

First aid for conc. acid burns is massive amounts of running water to dilute the acid. then at the hospital, I'd imagine that they would treat the wound much like physical damage or burn to the skin because at that point the acid is usually not a factor in terms of toxicity. this doesn't apply to HF though, that stuff gets absorbed through the skin and can cause acute toxicity

What does fire do?

burns stuff up

What effect does acid have on skin?

it burns you

Can acid cause sever burns and tissue damage?

Yes, both an acid and base can cause severe burns and tissue damage!

What acid do they use to treat burns?

Acid?? I guess you are referring to Hydrogen peroxide which acts as a cleaning agent for complex bruises and burns.

Can acid burns bleed?

Acid burns typically do not cause bleeding because the acid coagulates and damages the blood vessels, preventing bleeding. The main concern with acid burns is the potential for tissue damage and long-term scarring. Immediate medical attention is necessary for acid burns to prevent further complications.

What does corrosive things do to you when gets contact with skin?

to be blunt it burns like acid like if it was on your tongue then it may burn a hole through it