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harmful fluids and chemicals

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Q: Waste substances that contaminate the environment?
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To contaminate the environment with man-made waste....?


To contaminate the environment with man made waste?


What is it called when people contaminate the environment with man made waste?


What is the word contaminate the environment with man-made waste?


How can you contaminate the water?

Numerous types of contaminants can threaten drinking water. They include everything from chemicals to pesticides to animal waste to industrial waste injected into the ground. Naturally occurring substances, such as arsenic, radon and fluoride, can also contaminate groundwater.

Why are nuclear products a problem?

Nuclear waste products can leave isotopes that contaminate the environment and cause heath problems.

To contaminate the environment with man-made waste?


Why are nuclear wast products a problem?

Nuclear waste products can leave isotopes that contaminate the environment and cause heath problems.

Brief Details on pollution?

Pollution involves any action that introduces harmful substances into the environment, which contaminate land, air, or water. These contaminants released into the environment also can affect humans and animals.

What are 4 sources of land pollution caused by solid waste?

Improperly disposed waste in landfills can release harmful chemicals and toxins into the soil and groundwater. Littering and illegal dumping of solid waste can contaminate the land and harm wildlife. Industrial activities and mining can lead to the accumulation of toxic substances in the soil. Improper disposal of electronic waste, such as old batteries and appliances, can release hazardous materials into the environment.

_____ substance are organic waste that are NOT harmful to the environment when decomposed.?

Biodegradable substances are organic waste that are not harmful to the environment when decomposed, as they break down into simpler, non-toxic compounds. They reduce the impact of waste on ecosystems and help in recycling nutrients back into the environment.

What are non toxic waste?

Non-toxic waste refers to waste materials that do not pose a significant risk to human health or the environment. This includes materials such as paper, cardboard, glass, and some types of plastics that can be recycled or disposed of safely without harming the environment.