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Q: True or false caffeine increases the loss of sodium ions thus increasing the loss of water?
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When a stimulus acts on a neuron it decreases the permeability of the stimulated point of its membrane to sodium ions?

False( When a stimulus acts on a neuron, it increases the permeability of the stimulated point of its membrane to sodium ions. )

The deep mantle is composed of material with a lighter density than the outer mantle?

The deep mantle is actually composed of denser materials compared to the outer mantle. These denser materials are mainly made up of silicate minerals rich in iron and magnesium, which contribute to the overall density of the deep mantle. This density variation plays a key role in the movement of material within the Earth's mantle through processes like convection.

Is it true or is it false Electronegativity increases continuously as atomic number increases?

False. Electronegativity does not increase continuously as atomic number increases. While there is a general trend of increasing electronegativity across a period from left to right on the periodic table, there are exceptions due to factors such as electron configuration and atomic structure.

Does the pressure of a gas always increases with increasing temperature?

In general, the pressure of a gas increases with increasing temperature, assuming volume remains constant (according to Gay-Lussac's Law). This is because as temperature increases, gas molecules gain more kinetic energy and collide with the container walls more frequently and with greater force, resulting in increased pressure.

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That is false.

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No. In gases, 'Absolute temperature' is proportionally related to the kinetic energy of the particles. Therefore, increase in temperature results in increase in the kinetic energy of the particles.

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False. Increasing the intensity of light typically increases the rate of photosynthesis, up to a certain point where other limiting factors may come into play.

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False. There is a limit to the rate of photosynthesis even as light intensity increases. Once the saturation point is reached, the rate of photosynthesis remains constant.

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In the troposphere, as air temperature increases, air pressure generally decreases. This is because warmer air is less dense and exerts less pressure on its surroundings compared to cooler air.