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Racial and Gender discrimination.

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Q: The civil rights act of 1964 was passed in an effort to correct what?
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they were passed after the civil war in an effort to not get blacks many rights in the south

What law was passed by congress to end racial bias and discrimination?

both of these answers are correct the civil rights act of 1960 and the civil rights rights act of 1964 I agree!

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when did the civil rights act of birmingham passed

What year or date did the civil rights passed?

The Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964.

How did the Radical Republicans respond to President Johnsons veto of a bill allowing the Freedmens Bureau to continue its work?

They passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866

How did the radical republicans respond to the president Andrew Johnson veto of a bill allowing the freedman's bureau to continue its work?

They passed the civil rights act of 1966. Not sure if year is right but they passed the civil rights act.

What was the purpose of the civil bill of rights?

There was no civil rights laws in 1875, but in 1965 one was passed.

The civil rights act was passed?


When was civil rights law passed?


Did the civil rights act repeal in 1878?

The civil rights act was passed in 1964. So, no. It did not exist in 1878.

Did the civil rights movement pass in congress?

The Civil Rights Movement was a movement by the people, not a law to be passed by congress. A result of the Civil Rights Movement was the consideration of many bills passed by congress into law. Among them were the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

What president passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

it was in 1964 :D