To stop bullying at school you should go and tell the priciple or a teacher you trust. And you should ALWAYS tell your parents if you are being bullied.
okay frist thing to do when you are being bullied by your teacher is tell you parent or anyone you trust ,,, get their opinions then if they dont do any thing the on speak to a consolnlor good luck to ya
It can save someones life! If you are seeing somone else being bullied you should most definitely tell a teacher, otherwise the kid may commit suicide and ultimately it will be partially your fault for not saying anything, if it is you who is being bullied you should still tell a teacher because you may not be the only one being bullied by the bully and ever child deserves to feel safe at their school. ^That is the most idiotic thing I have ever read.
tell a parent or teacher or leave bullies alone
the best thing you can do if you are being bullied is tell somebody like a parent, teacher or your friends and they will know what to do
If one is being bullied, they can talk to their teacher, guidance counsellor or principal, they can also tell their parents about the situation, so that it can be addressed.
First, you should tell an a adult if you see someone being bullied or is being bullied Note: STOP BULLYING
Well if you are being bullied then you NEED to tell a teacher or adult about the bully and tell them what they have been doing to you. tell someone that you're being bullied like a parent/guardian,teacher or even a principal. can also just ignore the bully
You should tell a grownup that you trust. You could tell your parents or a teacher. One thing you mustn't do is worry that the bully will get you back. Once you tell someone it will get sorted out.
If the teacher does not do anything talk to the pricipal if that does not help tell your parents or the police
i would tell my parents or get proof then show the principal