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I personally think that you should get a plastic bag from the store because paper bags will rip a lot easier than a plastic bag will.

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Q: Should you get plastic bag or paper bag from the store?
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Which one will you prefer paper bag or plastic bag in the grocery store?

I prefer a reusable bag to both of those.

Which is stronger grocery bag or plastic bag?

Paper bags. Because it is made from kraft paper and plastic grocery bags are made from plastic, which kraft paper is stronger than plastic, so paper bags can support more weight.

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In a brown paper bag inside a sealed plastic or metal container. - (I'm not kidding about the bag - prolonged storage in polyethylene bags is bad for pasta )

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plastic bag

Why should we carry our own bag for shopping?

So that the store does not have to pack your items in paper or plastic bags, which are likely to end up getting thrown in the garbage after you unpack them at home. Your bag can be reused many times.

Why is a brown paper bag better for preserving evidence than a plastic bag?

Because paper disintegrates faster than plastic

Can you ripen fruit in a white paper bag?

Iv never heard that that will work. Plastic bag does not sound good for ripening fruit. Advocado will ripen in a Paper bag.

How eco friendly bags work?

You take in your cloth bag to the grocery store or any store. Instead of having them put your goods in a normal paper or plastic bag, you have them load your goods in your cloth bag. You can reuse them until they rip.

How do you reduce a plastic paper bag?

use paper bags

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Scientists disagree about whether paper bags or plastic bags are less harmful to the environment. Which fact supports the opinion that plastic bags are less harmful than paper bags?

Making a paper bag uses about twice as much oil as making a plastic bag.

What are the advantages of paper vs plastic?

Paper is wasting trees. Plastic kills animals in landfills. Buy a reusable bag instead. true but if cats dogs and mice can get along why can't we