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no because when the bully has followers, it makes them feel better and they continue bullying. the only way to stop a bully is to pay them no attention and they will become bored and eventually stop.

Addition: While I semi-agree with the answer above, I also disagree.

Bullies do draw strength from followers, but a lot of times they're insecure and lonely, so having friends is good for them. If you could get past all their walls and find their heart, go for it. Don't support their bullying, though. Once you're friends with them and have gained their trust try to show them that being nice to people is a lot more rewarding than bullying them, because that just makes you unapproachable and will get you nowhere in life.

However, if they don't want to be your friend whatsoever and you are clearly just an annoyance to them, stop trying because you may end up with a rumour spread about you or you may end up beat up, and you wouldn't want that.

But if you manage to get past all their walls and find out who they really are, and gain their trust and can help convince them bullying is wrong, totally go for it. It would be completely worth it.

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Q: Should you be friends with the school bully?
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