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some of them yes but some of them just be mean to them!

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Q: Should S4YC look after children
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A preschool classroom should look bright and interesting, but it should not overwhelm the children. It should have areas called centers where children do play activities and an area where the group can be taught together. It should be organized and have children's supplies where they can easily reach them, and a place for each child to put their private things, like their sweaters or coats. The walls can be used to put children's finished work on. Classroom rules should be posted in the room.

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the practitioner should help children express their needs and feeling because children should be well look after. Children have the right to express themselves as they have emotions. Asking questions to the children to see how they feel and you should generally show empathy. You should be supportive and get to the child's level to show understanding and make the child feel more comfortable.

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because the child gets more attached to the mother

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If you have a baby and do not know how to look after it, you should seek help form a mother who has had and raised children.

Should women stay at home and look after their children?

No. End of. Women have the exact same right's as men.

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The woman's job in Ancient China was to look after children. Also their job look after the households. The house should be spotless and clean.

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A parent should look for criteria such as test scores, the reputation of the teachers and faculty, and most importantly, safety. With the number of school shootings on the rise in the last fifteen years, many parents are deeply concerned for their children's safety.

Why do children want to wear their own clothes?

All children have there own idividual style, so they want to look like them, not someone else. I'm a kid and I should know :)

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Go to a Orthopetic Surgen and have him/her have a look. I would suggest Doc. Kayes of Indianapolis, In.

Are there any anxiety treatment centers which specialize in children from broken homes?

You should look for a child psychologist. Most, if not all of them should be well-trained and experienced in helping children to cope with a divorce. The anxiety problem should certainly be mentioned to the psychologist during the initial consultation.