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Christian conservatives have reluctantly accepted that some people are born gay, but nevertheless have made the phrase "homosexual LIFESTYLE" all-pervasive to cast doubt on the fact that some people are born gay. Nevertheless, they accept that homosexuality is an involuntary condition that some persons are born with, but claim that acting upon one's given homosexual nature is a 'sin'. This stigmatizing label does not explain how acting on one's given nature is 'sinful' for some members of the species and 'good' for other members of the species. Not all of the human species is heterosexual but Conservative Christians assume that person must act as though it were. When discussing why consenting homosexual acts are 'sins', Conservative Christians fail to produce any victim of harm. The only explanation they have for why homosexuality is 'sinful' is to cite outdated biblical passages written before modern people understood that homosexuality is natural for some members of the human species.

Some Conservative Christians also attempt to stigmatize homosexuality by making bad analogies - suggesting, for example, that the homosexual condition (tendency) is to homosexual actions as ployamorous tendencies are to the act of bigamy. The better analogy would be to say that homosexual orientation is to homosexual actions as heterosexual orientation is to heterosexual actions. In both cases the orientation does not automatically indicate whether the associated actions are "good" or "evil" until we take into account the intentions of the agent. Just as not all heterosexuxal acts are morally good (eg. rape, paedophelia), neither are all homosexual acts morally good. In either case, the moral status of the act depends upon more than just the biological structure of the act. It depends upon consent, intention, etc. (what modern people call "agency").

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8y ago

Gay Pray

Our users share their opinions on this sensitive topic:

  • If there is, it is not in accordance with the word of God.
  • There is a broad spectrum of beliefs in each faith that can range from downright execution to amiable tolerance to complete laisser faire. There are so many different interpretations of each holy book that homosexuality can be justified and allowed (to marry) or persecuted and relentlessly pursued and killed. It all depends.
  • Metropolitan Community Church is a Christian (Protestant) church that was started in 1968 in the US by a gay priest, Rev. Troy Perry. It now has outreaches in many countries. See the Related link below.
  • Update: After discussing this exact topic with one of my Theology Professors from college (albeit years ago, I'm older now), they flat-out answer is no. They will preach no, tell you no, and in most cases show you 'no'. However, as was said earlier, Catholics are becoming more and more flexible due to their embracing of the New Testament versus the Old. It is only stated in Leviticus 21:18 (I think) "If a man lieth with mankind as with womankind, it is abomination, their blood shall be upon them. They shall surely be put to death" Nowhere does it say anything about woman and woman. Just men and men, animals, etc. That being said, the Catholics believe that since these rules are not stated in the New, then they are open for interpretation. Muslims...the Qu'ran denounces any homosexuality, however, in Arab society it is perfectly fine for a man to meet his friend (be with him...ya know), then return to his home to be with his wife. They just use one of their three prayer times during each day and get forgiven. They believe it is wrong, do it anyway, and are hypocrites about it later. The Muslim part I witnessed being in Iraq for 5 years of my life while serving in the Military.
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9y ago

It depends on the denomination. Opinions range from complete acceptance to complete rejection. Some even believe that gay people should be put to death.

It depends on the denomination. Opinions range from complete acceptance to complete rejection. Some even believe that gay people should be put to death.

Most mainstream denominations see homosexuality as neutral, but the pursuit of same-sex love and sexual fulfillment is a sin.

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9y ago


Some Christian denominations allow homosexuality and are even supportive of gay people, although this is not always the case.

Adultery is always considered a sin and is condemned by all denominations.

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9y ago

It depends on the denomination. Opinions range from complete acceptance to complete rejection. Some even believe that gay people should be put to death.

Most mainstream denominations see homosexuality as neutral, but the pursuit of same-sex love and sexual fulfillment is a sin.

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10y ago

Some Christians do while others do not accept homosexual behaviors. The question of should they or not is dependent upon the person. If the Christian is using God's righteous judgments of His Law (see Deuteronomy 4:8 and many others) - certainly not and after gently pointing out the Scripture and the error of their ways versus God's ways for mankind, should refrain from associating with the person if they continue with homosexual activities. Of course most Christians use some self-interpretation of God's Laws from the more than 40,000 denominations/organizations worldwide (can't all be right) - usually not fully understood (at least properly) and mixing these with the pressures of current societal 'norms' - come to varying acceptance levels from where moral standards of just 50 years ago are now being rapidly challenged or modified and even eliminated altogether.

In any event, before a Christian passes a judgment upon another, they should make sure they have fully cleaned up their own lives first, repent fully, get baptized and receive God's Holy Spirit which will guide them in the ways of God - enabling them to do the good works God has planned for them from the foundation of the world.

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8y ago

Recent news items have suggested that the Vatican is a "hotbed" of homosexuality. This implies that, regardless of its official position, the Catholic Church accepts homosexuality. In addition, Wikipedia supplies a long list of denominations that are accepting of Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Christians.

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12y ago

Some denominations do, but the majority do not. In fact, the majority of Christian denominations is the reason gay people do not have equal rights in the western world.

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9y ago

It depends on the denomination. Opinions range from complete acceptance to complete rejection. Some even believe that gay people should be put to death.

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Q: Should Christians accept homosexuality
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There are a lot of people and churches who call themselves "Christian" but aren't Christian at all. True Christians who love God and the Savior Jesus Christ and read their bible and believe the true word of God do not accept homosexuality. God's Word plainly condemns not only homosexuals but all SIN. Anyone who does not believe this please read the Word of God. You will not get a straight answer from people who want you to believe homosexuality is right, but search the scriptures and find out for your self!

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Do Arabian nations accept Homosexuality?

No, in fact homosexuality is illegal in almost all Arab countries except Egypt, the West Bank, and Lebanon. Several Arab countries even have the death penalty for homosexuality.

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Homosexual is who you are. Curiosity means you are open and willing, but will eventually accept who you are.

Is homosexuality permitted in Jewish scripture?

No. See Leviticus Chapters 18 & 20. However, most of the Liberal branches of Judaism accept homosexuality, in contravention to the Biblical word.

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How do Jews feel about Homosexuality?

The overwhelming majority of Jews accept homosexuality and support same-sex marriage. In fact, all branches of Judaism, except the Orthodox minority, recognize same-sex marriage.

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The Sacraments are a Gift to us from Christ.

How do you make people get over their homosexuality?

How do you make someone stop being straight? You don't in either case. You accept people for who they are and get on with your life.

Are the Palestinians looking for their messiah?

No. Most Palestinians are Muslims or Christians and therefore accept that Jesus was the Messiah. (Admittedly, Christians and Muslims disagree on what that term means.)

Why do some churches allow homosexuality?

One opinion...Some Churches allow Homosexuals not homosexual acts. Homosexuals are persons. They too are children of God and all churches regardless of its religious affiliations must embrace them. Homosexuality is a state or condition. When it is acted upon then it becomes a sin and the church should not condone it.Another opinion...Homosexuality in Church ... possibly controversial however in my opinion ... it's fine! God created you the way you are, Just because he created Adam and Eve, doesn't mean homosexuality is wrong ... Adam ate the apple on the tree didn't he? Many religion now respect homosexuals for who they are, and only disagree of the sexual intentions ... but even the pope says being homosexual is insignificant in making a person who they are. I think people need to stop worrying about whether its justifiable or right to be homosexual and focus our aims on child soldiers, contraception, war ... urgent and important issues!! These petite debates serve no moral or beneficial resultants ... and that's coming from a gay guy!Another opinion...According to the Bible, all men are guilty of sin. Also, all sinners are equal when compared to God. Therefore, a person who performs homosexual acts (sin according to the Bible) are as guilty as everyone else. They're no worse and they're no better. The only reason that this is such a large debate is our culture. According to the Bible, lying is a sin. Does that mean that everyone who has ever lied should be kicked out of church? Of course not! Does that mean that you should beat up and devalue liars simply because they made a mistake? No! The same thing goes with homosexuals. Even though they might have done sinful acts, they are no worse than anyone else, and they need God's salvation no less than anyone else. A perfect church, if one such existed, would always allow homosexuals in, despite any protests that there might be.