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Poverty leads to criminal activities like robbery, thefts, Murder, kidnapping and looting. Now and then one can find headlines in the papers about their criminal activities. We often come across reports about whole family committing suicide by taking poison as they cannot afford a square meal. Even the parents do not hesitate to sell their children for just Rs. 1000. These are such a people who kill their small wards because they cannot provide them the minimum necessities of life. Woman you can be even seen selling their bodies or working as sex-workers. When people are unable to get their livelihood by honest means, they are bound to turn into criminals. Very often people find criminals living only in slums. Infact it is the property that has compelled them to take to social evils. The governments devise ways and means to raise their standard of living through science and technology. These poverty stuken criminals instead of being taken to jails and being prosecuted should be taken to rehabilitation centers where adequate care is taken of such criminals and certain skills are being taught to them such as stitching, driving, gardening, cooking, and cleaning etc. which can help them to earn a living and support their families.

The government should make annual visits to the unhygienic and extremely distressful slum areas and provide them money and proper care to help them uplift their depressing conditions. Often general people rebuke poor people and look at them with disdain, this should be prevented and the people should adopt a positive and helpful behaviour towards the poor and the destitute. These measures would also contribute in rooting out evils from the Indian society.

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12y ago
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14y ago

No, poverty is not a root, it's a result. It can be caused by natural elements (changing climates, floods, etc.) or by human policies. Natural causes have been happening since the earth began so it's hard to blame nature as the root of all problems, unless you mean the nature of man. People and their policies are the root of all problems.

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10y ago

No it is man's greed for money that is the root of all evil.

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