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When common people become aware of basic human right, chance of deprivation become minimal. Harassment by authority on simplest pretext if reduced to a minimum. Consumers are not befooled by sellers easily as they can seek redressal against their complaints. When voters are ducated enough about their rights, political parties' jobs become harder.

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Q: Positive impact of human right
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What is a positive human impact on tundra biomes?

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What is the definition of human impact?

Human impact refers to the effects that human activities have on the environment, ecosystems, and other living organisms. These impacts can be positive or negative and can include changes to habitats, pollution, resource depletion, and climate change. Understanding and minimizing human impact is essential for sustainable development and maintaining a healthy planet.

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no. your stupid. sharks dont get aids.

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The positive thing is if we leave the forest there will come rain. The negative thing is if we deforest the plant we will have water and the air change to hot.