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Q: One major source of oil pollution is runoff from what?
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What is the pollution that comes from one source?

point-sources pollution

Is it true or false that non-point-source pollution can be traced to one specific source?

False. Non-point-source pollution refers to pollution that comes from multiple diffuse sources, such as urban runoff or agricultural activities. It is challenging to trace non-point-source pollution to one specific source due to its wide distribution and various contributors.

What type of pollution comes from one place?

Point source pollution comes from a specific, identifiable source, such as a factory or wastewater treatment plant. This type of pollution is easier to trace and regulate compared to non-point source pollution, which comes from diffuse sources like agricultural runoff or urban stormwater.

What is nonpoint-source pollution?

Nonpoint-source pollution is contamination that originates from diffuse sources, such as runoff from roads, agricultural fields, and urban areas. It is a major contributor to water pollution and can be challenging to control because it comes from widespread and varied sources. Examples include pesticides, fertilizers, and sediment washed into water bodies by rainfall.

What is pollution that comes from only one source called?

Pollution that comes from only one source is called point source pollution. This type of pollution is often easier to identify and regulate compared to non-point source pollution, which comes from multiple sources.

How pollution from one location can affect the environment far away from the source of the pollution?

How pollution from one location can affect the environment far away from the source of pollution

What are two main reasons for water pollution?

Two main reasons for water pollution are industrial discharge of chemicals and waste and agricultural runoff containing fertilizers and pesticides. Both of these sources can introduce harmful substances into water bodies, leading to pollution and environmental damage.

What is pollution that comes from one source called?

Point source pollution comes from a single identifiable source, such as a factory or a sewage treatment plant. This type of pollution is easier to monitor and regulate compared to non-point source pollution, which comes from multiple dispersed sources.

What is a major form of pollution?

Air pollution is one of many major forms of pollution. It causes major damage to the environment including acid rain.

Difference between point and non point source pollution?

the difference is that a point source pollution comes from a specific site & the non-point source pollution comes from many sources rather than a single specific site. or point source pollution is pollution that comes from a known and specific location. Nonpoint source pollution is pollution that does not have a specific point of orign....................:-)Hisme John

Is sludge dumping a form of point-source pollution?

it comes from just one souce so it is known to be point-source pollution.

Nuclear power stations pollute the nature?

yes. they are one of the major source of air pollution. they burn a lot of fossil fuel that is harmful to the environment.