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potential stock/actual developed reserved

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Q: On the basis development resources can be classified into how many categories?
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How are resources classified on the basis of ownership?

on the basis of ownership, resources are classified into the following categories:1) Individual Resources 2) Community Resources 3) National Resources 4) International Resources

How are country classified on the basis of human development index?

madar chod

How are the resources Classified on the basis of ownership explain them?

You need to answer this question because we don’t do homework and your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills not ours.

How are fuels classified?

fuels are classified into three categories on the basis of physical state. 1.Solid fuels. Ex- wood, animal dung 2.Liquid fuels. Ex- Kerosene oil, petrol 3.Gaseous fuels.Ex-Biogas ,Hydrogen

What is the basis for the classification of clouds?

Clouds are classified on the basis of their form and height.

Protists are classified on the basis of their?

Protists are classified based on their cell structure, locomotion, and mode of nutrition. This classification system includes categories such as flagellates, ciliates, amoebas, and algae, which are distinguished by their unique characteristics and behaviors. Each group of protists exhibits a different combination of these features, aiding in their classification.

Which categories of forests is considered as the best on the basis of their utility?

reserved forests

How did Aristotle classified plants on the basis of?

Aristotle classified plants based on the presence or absence of woody tissue. He categorized plants into trees, shrubs, and herbs based on their growth form. Additionally, he classified plants based on their reproductive structures and life cycle.

How are networks classified on the basis of geographical area?

Lan man wan

What is classifiyng in science?

Classifying is done to make it easier to understand what that particular object is. when we say that humans are classified under animals we mean that humans are part of animal categories . classification is never ending for example if some things are classified under plants and animals then there also several classifications will be there. under plants categories one will find several other classifications like flowering , non flowering then again flowering can be classified on the basis of how they disperse their seeds then it can be further classified what conditions are required for such dispersion and so on. And classification does not mean just classifying plants and animals , rocks , food , insects , planets just about anything.

What are climate regions classified on the basis of?

Climate regions are classified based on factors such as temperature, precipitation, and vegetation patterns. These factors help define different climate zones like tropical, temperate, arid, and polar regions around the world. By analyzing these key elements, meteorologists can categorize different areas into specific climate regions.

When a devices is classified as being electronic what is the basis for its operation?

To be classified as electronic the device must operate using electron tubes or semiconductors