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The only energy sources that do not need to be created by solar influence (radiation, light or gravitational) are radioactivity and non-solar gravitation. This limits the sources to:

  • the portion of geothermal energy resulting from radioactive decay inside the Earth
  • nuclear power plants
  • tidal power plants as tides are a primarily result of the moon's gravitational attraction
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Q: Name an energy resource that does not need the sun?
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The Earth's major energy resource is the energy coming form the Sun.

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Geothermal energy is the renewable resource that is least dependent on the sun. It harnesses heat from the Earth's core, providing a continuous and reliable source of energy regardless of sunlight or weather conditions.

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What renewable energy resources doesn't need energy from sun?

Geothermal energy, which comes from the Earth's internal heat, is a renewable energy resource that does not rely on the sun. It involves tapping into hot rocks deep underground to generate electricity or heat buildings. Tidal energy, generated by the gravitational pull of the moon on the Earth's oceans, is another renewable resource that does not directly require solar energy.

Name two energy resources that do not depend on the sun?

Geothermal energy, generated from Earth's internal heat, does not depend on the sun. Nuclear energy, derived from splitting atoms or fusing them together, is another energy resource independent of solar radiation.

What is natural sources of energy?

one natural resource is the sun

What is the ultimate resource of energy for all living things?

The sun.

Is wind an inexhaustible resource?

Yes. Since Wind is generated by Sun energy, it is virtually an inexhaustible resource.

Sunlight is what type of resource?

Sunlight is a renewable resource, as it is constantly replenished by the sun. It is available in abundance and can be harnessed for various applications such as solar power generation.

What things need energy from the sun?

Plants need energy from the sun.