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I think it is Michael Jackson (PBUH)...not sure

Warren Buffet has given $30.7 Billion

Bill Gates $29 Billion

Li Ka-shing $10 Billion

George Soros $6 Billion

Howard Hughes $1.56 Billion

Michael Jackson estimated at $300 Million

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Warren Buffet - $30.7 Billion

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Q: Most money given to charity by 1 person?
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Who has given the most money to charity?

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Who has gave the most money to charity?

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It depends which state, what charity, time of the year, and the purpose of the charity. Most often charity money can be claimed on a tax deduction sheet in the U.S.

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Yes, about 50% of it goes towards charity

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Does Simon Cowell do any charity work with his money?

Yes, he most definitately does!