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Renewable because you can use it over and over again without running out, sort of like recycling paper and plastic. With nonrenewable resources, however, once you use it it's done, and it goes straight to the landfills. Not only would landfills overload if we used nonrenewable resources over renewable resources, but we would run out of that resource or material because of the fact that you can't use it over and over again

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Q: It is better to use renewable or nonrenewable resources for energy?
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How are renewable and nonrenewable resources alike?

Renewable and nonrenewable both give off energy needed for the planet.

Is sound energy renewable or nonrenewable?

Sound energy is renewable because it is converted from other renewable resources.

What are some renewable and nonrenewable resources in Virginia?

Renewable resources in Virginia include solar, wind, and biomass energy. Nonrenewable resources include coal, natural gas, and uranium for nuclear energy.

Why are renewable sources of energy better option than nonrenewable resources?

Because renewable sources can be replenished (apex) because we will not run out of them

What are some disadvantages for renewable energy?

they aren't as convienent as nonrenewable resources

What is the major difference between renewable or nonrenewable resources?

Renewable resources can be created artificially by mankind by using energy of some kind. Nonrenewable resources cannot be recreated in any way by humans

Both renewable and nonrenewable resources are used within our society. How do the uses of nonrenewable resources compare to the uses of renewable resources?

Nonrenewable resources are finite and cannot be easily replenished, leading to depletion. Renewable resources can be replenished naturally and are more sustainable in the long run. However, nonrenewable resources are still heavily relied upon due to their higher energy density and ease of extraction compared to renewable resources.

What are nonrenewable renewable and alternative resources are?

Nonrenewable E resources and renewable are conservation so far energy because mr salvos I said he would break down to everything he

What resource that is naturally replenished?

renewable resource

Types of energy resources?

there are three main kinds of energy. these are renewable, nonrenewable, and inexhaustible. renewable resources are resources that can be replaced over time. non renewable resources are resources that can not be replaced in a reasonable time. inexhaustible resources are resources that are constantly produced.

How do nonrenewable resource and renewable resources differ?

Dont differ like if it helped

What are the six renewable energy resources?

The six renewable energy resources are solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, biomass, and tidal energy.