Sugar is considered a dry ingredient because it does not contain water.
Helium and Neon are considered the two most inert elements.
The active ingredient Diazapam is. the inert ingredients may vary.
An example of an inert solvent is hexane. It is commonly used in chemical reactions as it does not react chemically with most substances, making it suitable for dissolving or diluting other compounds without affecting the reaction itself.
Every drug has two components, one is the main substance which is the active pharmaceutical ingredient and the other is the inert substance, which can be the solvent in which the active ingredient is suspended.
Gold is an inert metal, Helium, Argon, and the other nobel gases are inert. Nitrogen gas (N2) is considered inert for most purposes, though nitrogen is found in a lot of compound.
Hydrogen is not inert it reacts explosively with Oxygen to create water H2O
Two inert gases are helium and neon. These gases are considered inert because they are highly stable and do not readily react with other elements or compounds under normal conditions.
It can be considered both, depending on what you're using it for.
Ruthenium is generally considered to be inert because it is a noble metal and is resistant to corrosion and oxidation. However, it can form compounds with other elements depending on the conditions.