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Q: Is the greenhouse effect natural or human caused event?
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What event could increase the greenhouse effect and possibly contribute to global warming?

in order of their contribution to greenhouse emissions 1) The ocean. (caused by heat from the sun) 2) Volcanoes (extraordinarily massive CO2 emitters) 3) Nature (mammals, dead plants) 4) People (the smallest CO2 producing entity's on earth)

What natural event caused major destruction to Japan in January of 1995?


What natural event caused major destruction to Kobe in Japan in January of 1995?

answer: earthquake

How long does the greenhouse effect process take?

The greenhouse effect is a continuous process that occurs naturally, with no specific start or end time. It involves the trapping of heat in the Earth's atmosphere by greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, which helps maintain a stable temperature for life to exist on our planet. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth would be too cold to support life as we know it.

What is the definition of result?

It is the final step in a process, the effect of a cause, the data of an experiment. It's the event or situation that comes after and is caused by a given event.

How much global warming comes from litter?

Global warming is caused by the increases in greenhouse gases caused by man. The littering of items that will decay and cause greenhouse gases to be emitted when they could be recycled certainly could be considered to be adding to the issue. In any event. littering is hardly a good idea.

What is natural disaster?

It is a disaster that wasn't caused by mankind. It is a disaster caused naturally, like a major hurricane, a tsunami, an earthquake, a volcano eruption, a flood etc.Any event or force of nature that has catastrophic consequences, such as an avalanche, earthquake, flood, forest fire, hurricane, lightning, tornado, tsunami, and volcanic eruptions; a destructive event that affects the natural world and human communities.An earthquake that causes damage to property and loss of life is an example of a natural disaster.A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard (e.g. flood, tornado, volcano eruption, earthquake, or landslide) that affects the environment, and leads to financial, environmental and/or human losses.According to Wikipedia

Was there a catastrophic event because of Tasmanian tigers?

The thylacine or Tasmanian tiger was hunted to extinction; they were intentionally removed from existence by humans. There was no natural event that caused their end.

What is the ripple effect?

The basic explanation for the ripple effect is that a sing event causes a number of knock on effects and consequences far beyond the location of the initial event. An example of this might be a tsunami caused by an earthquake under the ocean.

The Great Depression was caused primarily by?

The crash of the stock marketon October 29, 1929. This was the big event that caused a ripple effect leading to what is known as The Great Depression.

What was The Great Depression caused primarily by?

The crash of the stock marketon October 29, 1929. This was the big event that caused a ripple effect leading to what is known as The Great Depression.

What are the different fallacies in microeconomics?

The Fallacy of Composition: Belief that individual benefit automatically translates into social benefit The Post Hoc Fallacy: (cause-and-effect fallacy) because event A took place, event B was caused by event A The Fallacy of Single Causation: A single factor or person caused a particular event to occur.