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No, in fact there's NO state where same-sex sexual activity is considered to be adultery. Adultery is cheating on a spouse.

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11mo ago

No, same-sex sexual activity is not considered adultery in all 50 states. Adultery typically refers to sexual activity between a married person and someone other than their spouse. Same-sex sexual activity may be legally recognized and protected in many states, so it would not be considered adultery in those jurisdictions. However, laws regarding adultery vary from state to state.

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Q: Is same-sex sexual activity considered to be adultery in all 50 states?
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Technically, adultery is when a married person engages in sexual activity with someone who is not their spouse. If you are not married, engaging in sexual activity with someone who is married could be seen as participating in adultery, but for unmarried individuals, it would not be classified as adultery.

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You commit adultery every day when you look at someone or something lustfully. You also do it when your mind is impure or you have impure thoughts. And, obviously you commit adultery when you have sexual activity with someone who is not your wife or husband. This how adultery is commuted.

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There are no laws against adultery, only against sexual harassment or rape.

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I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.I assume you are speaking of extramarital sex. Adultery occurs when a married person has sexual relations with a person who is not their spouse. You are married until you obtain a divorce.

Do mormans practice adultery?

No. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that any sexual activity outside of a legal heterosexual marriage is a very serious sin, and often face excommunication for such acts. Adultery is strictly prohibited.

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Polygamy and adultery are separate concepts. Polygamy refers to having multiple spouses at the same time, which is permitted in some cultures and religions. Adultery is the act of engaging in a sexual relationship with someone other than one's spouse, and is generally considered wrong in many societies.

What does adultery mean in the bible?

Sexual relations outside of marriage such as sexual intercourse, and similar acts.

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Its not technically sex in terms of sexual intercourse (sex). Though it may be considered a sexual activity.

What are the adultery laws in Colorado?

Colorado 18-6-501 - Adultery. "Any sexual intercourse by a married person other than with that person's spouse is adultery, which is prohibited."

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Kissing and petting are often considered forms of sexual activity, but they may not be considered full sexual intercourse. The definition of sex can vary depending on cultural, personal, and legal perspectives.

What is the meaning of fornicate?

Unlawful sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried person; the act of such illicit sexual intercourse between a man and a woman as does not by law amount to adultery., Adultery., Incest., Idolatry.

What is gateway sex?

The term is not "gateway sex." but "gateway sexual activity." It is a term used in a Tennessee law called the "Gateway Sexual Activity" bill. Even in the bill, the term is vague, but it appears to mean behavior that could possibly lead to sex. Behavior like holding hands and hugging could be considered 'gateway sexual activity."