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Yes it is.In 1984 it was some 42 million, in 2003 some 70 million, and today around 83 million. In 2015 it is predicted to be 100 million, and have doubled from today's rates, to 160 million, in only 32 years.
This is a problem for a couple of reasons. One is the prevalence of polygamy of amongst people, particularly Animists and Muslims. There was one man, if my memory serves me properly, with ten wives and over seventy children. That alone is seven children per wife. Another is the lack of Birth Control. The people are simply not able to prevent conception, and abortion is considered so abhorrent that it simply isn't even considered. Lastly, people have many children so that in old age, they can support them. For example, my grandparents had seven children, my mother included. Unsurprising, they own a modern house with a nice garden. All but one of my maternal aunts and uncles live in the United States, and the aunt remaining in Ethiopia owns a string of gyms and real estate in the capital.
Ideally, polygamy would be curbed, birth control's availability improved, and some kind of pension or social security introduced for seniors; in order to reduce overpopulation. Perhaps it is too high, and maybe a one-child law introduced to reduce a too-high population.
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9y ago

Yes overpopulation is a problem since it has resulted in the depletion of land, trees and other naturally available resources. Moreover increase in population has lead to increase in pollution which also affects human beings.

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