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yes oil is available under the sea , theres lots of plates of oil under the sea bed

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Q: Is oil available under the sea bed?
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Where is the sea bed in Where is waldo in deep sea divers?

There is that hand thing at the bottom of the page and there is an octopus. If you look in between them and a little bit up, there is a bed at the bottom of the sea. It is under the person under the beach umbrella.

How does oil and gas from under the sea end up on land?

the oil from under the se used to be underwater but the sea levels have fallen leaving the oil on the land :)

Where is the crust thicker under the sea bed or where there is a mountain range?

It is the thickest under mountains ranges.

What particular problems are there with extracting oil from under the sea?

Some potential problems with extracting oil from under the sea include oil spills, which can harm marine ecosystems and wildlife; leaks or equipment failures, leading to pollution and environmental damage; and increased carbon dioxide emissions contributing to climate change. Additionally, deep-sea drilling can be technically challenging and expensive, with risks of accidents and challenges in safety management.

Where is the longest under ocean tunnel?

The longest under ocean tunnel is the Seikan Tonneru. It is an underwater railway tunnel in Japan. It has a 14.5 mile long portion under the sea bed. The track level is 330 feet below the sea bed.

How does the oil get from the offshore oil rig to refineries on the mainland?

Pipes under sea

What does Mexico and the North Sea area do to help produce gasoline?

Both have offshore platforms which drill and extract oil from the sea bed.

Where can oil be found?

Under the sea. Anywhere in the world.

Where do you get diesel fuel from?

You can buy diesel fuel from a filling station. The filling station gets it from an oil refinery. The oil refinery gets crude oil from a crude oil drilling company and produces lots of different products including diesel and gasoline fuels. The drilling company gets the crude oil from rocks deep down under the surface of the ground or under the sea bed.

Where do you get diesel from?

You can buy diesel fuel from a filling station. The filling station gets it from an oil refinery. The oil refinery gets crude oil from a crude oil drilling company and produces lots of different products including diesel and gasoline fuels. The drilling company gets the crude oil from rocks deep down under the surface of the ground or under the sea bed.

What is a sentence for orignate?

Many tidal waves originate from an earthquake under the sea bed.

Where do you think the crust will be thicker under the bed sea or where there is a mountain range?

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