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No. It will lyse all the cells lining your esophagus, and destroy your lung tissue. Additionally, ozone with a concentration greater than about 10 wt% is explosive, and will spontaneously deflagrate back to hot oxygen at the tiniest spark.

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10y ago

No, it is not safe to breathe ozone. It is a pollutant.

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Q: Is it safe to breathe the ozone?
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Does ozone near the ground make it harder to breathe?

Ozone at the ground level is a pollutant. It makes harder to breathe.

How the air is polluted?

because it tears open the ozone layer, without ozone we cannot breathe

How is polluting the air bad?

because it tears open the ozone layer, without ozone we cannot breathe

What is the difference between the ozone layer and the ozone people shouldn't breathe?

Just location. Same chemical compound.

How ozone helps us breathe?

The ozone protects us from UV rays of the sun. It thus helps us to live.

Is ozone safe for water?

Ozone can be used to treat water and has been proven effective in killing bacteria and viruses. However, excess levels of ozone in water can be harmful to humans and the environment. Proper monitoring and control of ozone levels are necessary to ensure it is safe for water treatment.

Is ozone harmful to health?

Ozone in the air we breathe, at more than 0.05ppm or so on a long term basis, is harmful to health.

Where is ozone found that is helpful to humans?

Anywhere but in the air we and our food sources "breathe".

What would happen if you tried to breathe in the ozone layer?

u will get breathing problems

What can people do to reduce the amount of ozone in the air?

The amount of ozone in the air we breathe can be reduced by avoiding / minmizing processes that use internal combustion.

What atmospheric layer can we not breathe?

The ozone layer present in the stratospheric region is one we cannot breathe. It protects us from the UV rays of the sun.

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