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Definitely. Sexual orientation and gender identity are two distinct concepts. Therefore it's perfectly possible for someone to be transgendered and gay.

On a personal level I do know a trans woman who is also a very butch lesbian. Gender identity is about how you feel, not necessarily about conforming to heteronormative gender roles (look up "heteronormativity" on Wikipedia if you don't know what that means).

But yes, in summary, it's possible for a "man" (trans woman) to be attracted to women in the same way that a cisgender woman could be attracted to women.

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Q: Is it possible for a man to feel transgender and still be sexually attracted to women?
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No. He is a transgender man giving birth.

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You are only gay if you are sexually attracted to men only.

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Do lesbian's think of trangender's when holding their partner or making love to their partner or sleeping with their partner?

Doubt it. A female to male transgender would be like a man which a lesbian is not attracted to, and a male to female would still be a man.