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Yes, it is okay to put weed mat and bark chips under a fruit tree. As long as the tree has ample light, water and nutrients it will be fine.

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Q: Is it ok to put weed mat and bark chips under fruit trees?
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Why types of things do trees produce?

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mostly different types of rubber trees native to south America and Africa. also gum is a type of rubber ( not modern chewing gum but real gum from the 1800) so gum trees as well. remember all trees have rubber. it is the first stage of bark located under bark. the over bark peels of and the rubber under hardens and becomes bark.

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Is the birch tree a fruit bearing tree?

Yes, it is. Most people misunderstand what fruit is; apple, peach, banana, plum, pear, those are obvious fruit trees that everyone would recognize as such, but this is going by the purely horticultural definition of fruit. But more broadly, all trees that produce flowers are fruit-bearing trees, because the seed-containing ovaries are classed as fruit. So yes, the birch tree is a fruit-bearing tree. An interesting note about birch is that its fruit was used as a food source by the Incas.

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