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That is absolutely not OK. That degree of violence against a child is child abuse. Whatever problem a parent may have with their child, the parent must find some better solution than beating the child to the point of causing bruising. If the parent can do no better than that, the child should be taken away and given to someone else to raise - which is what will happen if this abuse comes to the attention of the police.

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Q: Is it ok as a parent to hit your 11 year old child and leave bruising or marks?
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Is it a punishment or abuse if a parent hits their child making a bruise because of mouthing off or telling the parents no?

It is considered abuse if you hit children hard enough to leave marks. This is why they have booties, if you feel the need to spank. If you're leaving marks, you are hitting them too hard!

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Bruising on the skin from ropes or other bindings. It can also be around the throat from strangulation. Any bruising caused by some type of rope, plastic ties, chain or anything that encircles some part of a body can leave a ligature mark.

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If we are talking about spanking etc no it is not legal to spank so hard you leave marks.

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It could be. The deciding factor is how it was done. If you use a belt or something beyond the flat of your hand and it is hard enough to leave welts/red marks on the child it is abuse. It is better to use another method to discipline a child. Time out is a good way and is not abusive. As a parent you are a role model for the child and need to think of what you are teaching your child when you hit them.

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it depends on if the parent is taking medication. my aunt is bipolar and she hits my cousin all the time. she knows pressure points and it wont leave marks. :(

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When someone pinches you hard enough to leave purple marks, it means the capillaries under your skin have ruptured, causing bleeding and bruising. The purple marks are actually blood pooling under the skin, known as a bruise. It will typically heal on its own over time as your body reabsorbs the blood.

Is it ok to whip a child with a switch and leave bruises on the buttocks only?

It is never okay to strike a child hard enough to leave bruises, welts, or cut skin. Leaving marks on a child can be considered child abuse, even if the marks were unintended. Just because it is on the buttocks only does not make it right to do. Perhaps think about using Time outs or take away toys, rather than hitting your child.

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Cupping causes blood to be drawn to the surface of the skin, which can cause red marks, swelling, and bruising.

Is it legal to spank a child in California?

Yes, but you can NOT use anything objects to hit them! and you can not leave marks! you can ONLY use your HAND! that is it! and the child has to be fully clothed! if you strip them or use any objects it IS CHILD ABUSE! if they scream because you have hit them too hard it IS CHILD ABUSE!

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