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it is cheaper to raise a child in a farming envirinment becausethey chip in with the work

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Q: Is it cheaper to raise a child in a farming environment?
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What is worm farming?

Worm farming is an act in which one creates and environment to raise worms in. This can be done for hobby or profit.

How is substance farming in Africa different from farming to raise cash crops?

The difference is substance farming is for farmers to support there families and raising cash crops are different from substance farming because they raise the plants for money or trading.

What is artificial farming?

It is another word for hydroponic farming, or farming without soil. It is a method that can be and is used to grow plants without having to tend a garden or a field, and raise them in an indoor environment such as a greenhouse. It is also a method that is being used to grow illegal plants such as marijuana in many places.

Can a birth mother who relinquished her child in MA get her back if she was never adopted?

It is possible that they could get their child back. They would have to show that they are able to raise the child in a good environment. It would be best to discuss with a social worker in the state.

What is it when farmers raise crops or livestock and sell it?

That's farming.

How much does it cost to raise a child in Ireland?

Regardless of where you live, it is still expensive to raise a child.

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Farming! :]

What is it called when farmers raise crops or livestock to sell?

Peasant farming

What type of farming was used in the southern colonies?

Mostly subsistence farming although some farmers did raise cash crops.

What is the meaning of the proverb it takes a village to raise a child?

It means it takes everyone to raise a child not just the individual.

What happens to the child of a 16-year-old pregnant girl while she is in state custody at a juvenile facility in Tennessee?

Her parents can usually take the child in or grandparents. Child Welfare is usually not far away and has the right to decide what is a fitting home for the child. If the mother's parents or grandparents are not fit to raise the child then the child could become a ward of the courts, but, if the father of the child comes forward and can prove he has the finances to raise that child in a good environment (even his parents helping out or grandparents) then he could raise this child. When the young woman gets out of the Juvenile facility she will have rights to see her child, but it is up to the courts to decide if she is a fit parent. If not, then the father can have sole custody. Marcy

What is the meaning of it takes the whole village to raise a child?

It means the entire local community is involved in the education and growth of children - they learn from what they see outside their home environment.