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Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:

  • Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by Immigration officers; or
  • Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
  • Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact; has committed a federal crime.

Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.

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They will be arrested, charged, jailed, held for ICE and possibly deported.

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Q: Is illegal immigration a misdemeanor or a felony?
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No. What you are charged with cannot be changed except by the court.

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No, a High Court Misdemeanor is not a Felony. a Misdemeanor is a Misdemeanor and Felony is a higher different judgement.

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It depends on the circumstances; what happened, where you were, etc. For instance, in some states such as Tennessee, carrying a illegal weapon can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the situation and how you are charged.

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No, the misdemeanor shows on your record. You pled to, and were convicted of, a misdemeanor and that's what the record will show.

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Cyber terrorism is a felony.

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A misdemeanor is a name for it