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Yes it is surely.If the air is contaminated you are prone to air borne diseases like Asthma and other respiratory diseases to site an example.

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Q: Is human health related to the health of the environment?
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Is human health is related to the health of the environment?

If the health of the environment is compromised the human health will be affected in many ways.i.e gas population would cause respiratory infections. If the water is polluted aquatic life.i.e fish, crocodiles, hippos, and microorganism would suffer or die due to depletion of essential nutrients/gas such oxygen.

Is there a connection between peoples health and the health of the environment?

Yes, there is a strong connection between human health and the health of the environment. Environmental factors such as air and water quality, exposure to pollutants, and access to green spaces can all have significant impacts on human health, contributing to conditions like respiratory diseases, cardiovascular problems, and mental health issues. Taking care of the environment is crucial for promoting overall public health and well-being.

Why should you not pollute?

it spoils the environment and spoils human health

What are the affects of smog?

smog affects the human health and harm the environment

How does human action affect the environment?

it causes health risks and deaths

What is the independent US agency responsible for protecting human health and the nation's environment?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitors threats to the environment and public health.

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with pictures?

What is Relationship between health population and environment?

Environment and population are closely related terms. environment can be defined as the sum total of total living an non- living things present in our surroundings and interacting with each other in a harmonious way. Similarly, population can be defined as the total number of adults, infants, children and aged people living in a certain place at a certain time. Environment and population are closely related terms. population/human beings rely on environment for their growth, development and survival. We get all of our basic needs from the environment. Similarly the environment also depends upon us. We are the only intelligent creatures who are capable of preserving,conserving and promoting the environment. In this way, population and environment are inter-related with each other.

5 major community health problem?

Pollution Improper Disposal of Human Excreta and Sewage Improper Refuse Storage and Disposal Food Sanitation Control of Rodents and Insects

Human bone size and structure are a result of the environment and?

No, human bone size and structure are primarily determined by genetics. However, environmental factors such as nutrition, exercise, and overall health can influence bone health and development.

What is the explanation for the ecological model of health?

Ecological concept of Health can be explained by the view put forward by the ecologists that "health is a dynamic equilibrium between the man and his environment whereas disease is the maladjustment of the human organism to the environment

Which Secretary deals with issues related to poverty hunger and malnutrition?

I'm gonna say....The Secretary for Health and Human Services for the Department of Health and Human Services.