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  • It is not right to hit a child on any part of the head or face. Parents should use other methods to teach their children rules in the home so they can face society on a better note when they are out on their own. Time out; no TV; ground a child from playing with their friends may work for some children, but not all children. Only as a last resort should a parent spank their child. This does not mean twisting arms; holding their arms while they get a slap on the butt, but across the knee without belts; wooden spoons, etc., and only with an open hand over the clothing a couple of times. Most times when all else fails and the child only gets one spanking that is all it takes. Many people will disagree that spanking a child is wrong, but then look at the children! Many have no manners; are cheeky; stubborn and can be abusive even with other children and unfortunately, this reflects on the child where other parents; their children; teachers or friends may intensely dislike your child and it is unfair to that child.
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6y ago

Yes, it is bad and called abuse. There is parent abuse like child abuse and you can be arrested for it as an adult or a teenager.

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