Yes it involves the Earth and we so obviously live on the Earth. If we don't start saving energy and going green, the Earth will be in for trouble.
The fact that our planet has warmed over the past several thousand years has impacted our lives throughout the centuries. Greenland had a small Viking outpost on it that was able to support itself with crops and livestock that had to be abandoned during the mini ice age as glaciers advanced and consumed their land. The climate is always a factor in our lives.
The current situation, and that of the forseeable future though appears to be bright. Sea levels have been advancing at about 2 mm a year for centuries and are averaging about that same amount today, despite the predictions of increasing increases. The warming we have seen the past 150 years of just under 1 degree C has not caused major issues and is not really unexpected considering that 1850 was a low temperature period of the last mini ice age. There is nothing we can see, in the real data and current situation that causes us to be concerned for the future of humans. While global warming probably has a man made portion involved, it is not the end of human civilization. That does not mean that we should not be looking for alternatives to fossil fuels, but it is far from a near term threat to our lives or way of life. The real threat could be in doing something premature out of panic to the situation.
No. Humans are the reason for Global Warming! Humans in big rich countries!
Global warming and the humans abandoned it because of global warming. Global warming
There is no such thing as "a global warming" global warming only happens to earth because human and our unruly decrease in the earths resources. HUMANS cause global warming.
Humans have caused it. -.-
No, sunscreen is a very poor analogy for global warming.
Global Warming
global warming and humans..........I think ...........???
Global warming...
It is not a resource. It is a dangerous phenomenon.
No. Global warming is caused by man burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. No other animal does that. If there were no humans on earth, there would be no global warming.
There are no dangerous carbon emissions to cause global warming