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No. Environmentalism is no more than an unsupported hypothesis that says we need to spend more of our incomes to save an 'endangered planet'. Since 1970 we have created several sanctions to reduce air-pollution all over the United States and it has been an overall good thing. After we passed these regulations we saw huge reductions is the levels of carbon-monoxide and lead in the air. Now, as we move forward, the environmentalists are attempting to get us to spend even more money to produce very minuscule results. There is no cost effective way, currently, to make our air cleaner, our rivers clearer, or our landfills disappear.

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Q: Is environmentalism a scientific approach to understanding environmental problems?
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It changed humankind's approach to understanding the natural world and led to new discoveries.

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It changed humankind's approach to understanding the natural world and led to new discoveries.

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Yes, the scientific method is a logical approach to solving scientific problems. It involves making observations, forming a hypothesis, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. This systematic process helps scientists to validate their findings and contribute to our understanding of the world.

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