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Q: Is environment related to agriculture
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Related questions

How is a farmer related to agriculture?

Farms are the centerpiece, the epiphany, the cornerstone of agriculture. Without farmers there would be no agriculture.

How is hydrology related to agriculture?

livestock is a part of agriculture. It is one of those branches that makes up agriculture

What does the greens of Australian responsible for?

They are responsible for the environment and agriculture.

Does Egypt have agriculture?

Refer to related link.

What are 15 things that do not relate to agriculture?

There really isn't anything that is not related to agriculture, if you stop and think about it.

How does agriculture affect Florida's environment?

Agriculture in Florida can have both positive and negative effects on the environment. It can contribute to water pollution through pesticide and fertilizer runoff, as well as habitat destruction through land clearing. However, agriculture can also provide important ecosystem services like carbon sequestration and habitat for wildlife if managed sustainably.

Most limitin nutrient in agriculture?

dengue agent host environment

How did agriculture change the way people interacted with their environment?

because they did vejon

What is farming ranching and related businesses known as?


What is agriculture sustainable?

The practice of farming using principles of ecology and the study of relationships between organisms and their environment

What is the most important duty of Agriculture?

Agriculture is the science of raising crops, of caring for flora and fauna whilst maintaining a balance with the environment. Duty is an attribute of an adult human. Agriculture has no duties

What is the difference between agriculture and engineering?

Agriculture and engineering are completely different. Agriculture has to do with how humans use the environment. While Engineering has to do with creation, ideas, building, mathematics, science, technology, etc