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This is an extremely bitter substance, its used in other solutions to prevent accidental over ingestion of more dangerous chemicals, as extremely low parts per million are easily discerned by the human palate. According to Aldrich, The handbook of Fine Chemicals, Risks include: 1. Harmful if swallowed. 2. Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. Safety precautions include: 1. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water andseek medical advice. 2. Wear suitable protective clothing

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Q: Is denatonium benzoate toxic or does it cause nausea?
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How denatonium benzoate can be omitted?

Denatonium benzoate, commonly used as a bittering agent to discourage ingestion, can be omitted by exploring alternative bittering agents such as Bitrex or sucrose octaacetate. Ensure that the substitute is safe for the intended use and complies with regulations. Consider conducting sensory evaluations to determine the effectiveness of the replacement in deterring ingestion.

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