

Best Answer

No, Coach Bieste is not a lesbian.

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Q: Is coach bieste on glee gay?
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What is the cochs name for glee?

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Coach Bieste -Biggest Gleek Ever-

Is mrs beast on glee a woman?

the person that plays coach Bieste ( its french) is a woman, Dot Marie Jones. She just looks a bit masculine.

How did artie get his legs back in glee?

Artie never got his legs back. Once he had a dream that he could dance, another time coach Bieste got him these electronic legs for Christmas.

Is Grant Gordon form glee gay?

Grant Gustin from 'Glee', although gay on the show, is not gay in real life.

How do you coach a glee club?

You don't really "coach" it. It's not a sport. Generally, music teachers are in charge of a school's glee club.

Who is the coach of the gay people?

There is no coach of gay people.

Who is coach biest on glee?

Coach Biest is the football coach. Coach Biest is played by Dot-Marie Jones

Is the boy kertis from glee aktualy gay?

Chris Colfer, who plays Kurt Hummel on Glee, is openly gay, as is his character.

Is Cameron mitchell from glee gay?


What is the football Coach's name in Glee?

Dot-Marie Jones

Is Matthew Morrison gay?

He is not gay. Although with the hair and attitude in Glee, Matthew Morrison is NOT gay