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yes it is! never abuse your child! some parents spank their children when they do something that they shouldn't do, but that does not count as child abuse. that's discipline. but if you spank or hit your children for no reason or for a bad reason that's CHILD ABUSE.

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11y ago

umm... yea it's a crime! If it wasn't a crime people wouldn't be going to jail for it!

unfortuantaly not everyone goes to jail for it. there are a lot of people out there(myself included) that live with child abuse all the time and still dont get any help. iv done everything and trust me there are many cases that never get taken to child services or to court. its not fair. and yes child abuse is wrong. its painful and hurtful to the child. it messes with their mind.....

i'd used to be abused sometimes id get a spanking or a harsh punishment...once in 6th grd my mom broke my laptop cuz i wasn't listening....child abuse is rare to see in american families...its more common in asian families due to strict education plans...

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Depends on the state . Check the penal code.