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Yes, decaying vegetation underwater in a swamp will produce methane, also known as swamp gas.

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Q: Is a swamp a source of methane?
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Related questions

How do you make methane?

Methane is made by living things and is also a fossil fuel. Swamp gas is a good example, the biologic action of bacteria in the swamp causes Methane to be released to the surface, this gas can and has been burnt at the source. Other sources are animal (and human) Flatulence, oil wells etc.

What is swamp vapor called?

Swamp vapor is called swamp gas, which is a flammable gas produced by decaying organic matter in wetlands like swamps.

How do you make methane in alchemy classic?

vegetable waste and earth or swamp

When you see gas bubbling up out of a swamp or marsh what can you suspect is in water?

If you see gas bubbling up out of a swamp or marsh, you can suspect that methane may be present in the water. Methane is a common gas produced by the decomposition of organic matter in wetland environments.

How methane is separated from cow dung?

Methane is separated from cow dung by subjecting the cow dung to a heat source. From there, methane can be used as an energy source for generating electricity on a farm.

What does swamp gas produce?

Swamp gas, which is primarily methane, can be produced by the decomposition of organic matter in wetlands or marshes. It is a greenhouse gas that can contribute to global warming when released into the atmosphere.

What is a source of methane?

natural and anthropogenics

Why do outhouses smell in the summer?

Quite literally, Swamp gas from decaying fecal products. This is funny as some people have explained away UFO"s as swamp gas, which is actually Methane.

What is a word for swamp vapor?

"Marsh gas" is a common term used to refer to the vapor or gas often found in swamps or marshes.

What are the latitude and longitude of methane?

Methane is natural gas, CH4. It's commonly formed by the decomposition of organic materials, and is a component of "swamp gas". Methane is found just about everywhere. Another contributor wrote: I can't find that town in my Atlas anywhere.

What cause the swamp to be a energy source and a conversions?

it was very polluted

Is methane a source of bacteria?

Methane is not a direct source of bacteria, bacteria does not spontaneously generate from methane alone. However, some archebacteria (a type of bacteria) called methogens use methane in metabolic processes in the cell. (Metabolic processes are processes the bacteria uses to get energy from other things)