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Yes, there are "teachers" unions.

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Q: Is a public school employee part of a labor union?
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Is a Union a non profit?

A trade or labor union is a for profit organization:Since the labor union is made up of employee's and its goal is to negotiate higher wages with an employer; the intention of the union is to receive an increase in profit.

Which two labor laws protect the employee against discrimination in the workplace?

The collective labor law relates to the relationship between the employee, employer, and union. The individual labor law concerns the employees right to work.

Does the labor union have the right to veto public law?

No, the labor union is not allowed to break the law or to mandate laws. They are not a part of the government.

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Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is a written agreement between an employee and a labor union usually for a certain duration.?

employee (US Federal worker and/or manager)

Are public employers required to reimburse employee mileage?

State laws and union contracts address that.

What does the term 'card check' exactly mean?

Majority sign up or card check is a way a labor union can be formed in for the workers in the company. Each employee is given a card in which they state their desire to join the union. If the majority (more than 50%) of the employees state they want to form a labor union. The National Labor Relations Board oversees this process and requires the labor union be recognized by the company.

What are laws called that some states now have that determine wihether or not union labor is required?

There are no state laws about labor unions except state employee unions. Federal law preempts state labor law.

What is the difference between union daily employee and a union weekly employee?

A union daily employee only sucks up to 0bama one fifth of the time a union weekly employee does.

How do you fire someone if they are a part of the labor union?

By telling them they are fired and notifying the union the same day. Unions have no power to prevent firings, only to grieve after the fact when the employee is already separated.

Which union represents Morse auto employee's in Chicago?

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Why did teachers join the union?

When did public school teachers become unionized