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This is strictly my opinion, because I have not researched on the matter, but I would say it is an interdependence of both, and I can explain my reasoning. For one thing, the fact that replacing a natura; human leg with an artificial and accurate replacement is a stunning work of a cooperation of science and technology. The science comes in where the leg is applied to what still exists of natural flesh and bone, and how to make that adhere to the foreign object; a prosthesis. And on the other hand, it is a technological wonder on the grounds that the various mechanics that would allow this replacement leg to work and function with the human host requires the invention and intelligence to conceive and make a reality.

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Technology for the manufacturing of the prosthetic, science for the knowledge of how it should work.

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Q: Is a human leg prothesis an example of technology or science?
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Is a human leg prosthesis an example of science or technology explain?

Science helped to invent and improve it but the actual leg prosthesis would be considered technology.

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Is a human leg prosthesis an example of science or technology?

A technology, since the actual prosthesis is a human creation that solves a problem. Science is nothing physical. It is the combination of laws and theories that explain our universe and helps us make decisions. We don't really invent science, we describe it. Science is ideas. Technology is human creations. Science generally underpins all new technology. In your human leg prosthesis example science is crucial in choosing (or developing) suitable materials for construction of the prosthesis. The material must be relatively stable, not break down into toxic substances and have good durability. Knowledge of human biology is also important if you want to start replacing human body parts. Basically chemistry and biology are important in the prosthesis development. There is also probably physics regarding tensile strength requirements. The actual end result of the human prosthesis is a technology which solves a problem of degraded human parts. So to reiterate, it is a technology.

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