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your question isn't clear but the answer to "do solar panels produce electricity for schools" then the answer is yes but only for a SECONDARY source of energy the primary source is fossil fuels that create electricity. Solar panels along will not power an entire school, it is mainly used for small tasks.

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Q: Is The solar panels produce electricity for schools?
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Do solar panels produce electricity or energy?

Solar panels produce electricity (a general statement) which, to be more specific, is electrical energy, measured in watt-hours or kilowatt-hours.

Does solar panels cool your house?

No. Solar panels (photovoltaic, PV) produce electricity from the sun. This electricity can be used to cool your house - or heat your house.

How do solar panel produce electricity?

Solar panels produce electricity through the photovoltaic effect, where sunlight is converted into electricity using semiconductor materials like silicon. When sunlight hits the solar panels, the photons in the light knock electrons loose from their atoms, creating an electric current. This current is then collected and converted into usable electricity for powering homes or buildings.

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What is the technology at work to produce electricity from the sun?

Solar panels They are panels (any size you want) that make electricity from the light of the sun

How can you produce cheap electricity?

Solar electricity is the most inexpensive form of electricity. Once the solar panels are installed, the solar power is free. There is also wind energy to produce a low cost electric source.

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Who makes solar panels and why?

Many business all round the world make solar panels. They are made because they produce electricity at no cost, and no pollution.

Can a silicon solar cell produce electricity in large quantity?

Yes, silicon solar cells can produce electricity in large quantities when they are arranged in solar panels and exposed to sunlight. Solar panels can be grouped together to form solar arrays, which can generate significant amounts of electricity for both residential and commercial applications.

What are solar panels and what are they used for?

Solar panels are used to power homes and business's. Solar panels are bundles of wired photovoltaic cells contained in a single block to produce electricity by absorbing the sun's photons.

What would happen to solar panels if there was no sun out?

Solar panels would not generate electricity if there is no sunlight available. They rely on sunlight to produce electricity through the photovoltaic effect. In the absence of sunlight, the panels would not be able to convert solar energy into electrical energy.