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In my own personal opinion of how I would handle it if I was the illegal.

The illegal immigrant isn't even supposed to be here in the first place. If the illegal hadn't crossed the border unlawfully and took the honest route he would have been a citizen. So it's almost as if I fighting a solid state of oxygen. Since they would not be a U.S. resident, he doesn't have medical insurance or any type of identification. He's at more of a fault. If I were him, I would claim I fell down a set of 8 brick steps in a stair case.

For the illegal to file against you the police will need to see a lot of documents in your name to prove who you are. In that situation you are much better off leaving and staying low as an illegal. The illegal would get in more trouble than the assaulting person.

A police officer has the duty to protect people from injury or death. That includes illegal immigrants. Anyone who assaults another person has committed a crime, and should be prosecuted.

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Q: If an illegal immigrant is assaulted do the police protect them and persecute the assaulter?
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