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Yes. She is thinking about how great sex would be most likely. I know from experience.

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Q: If a girl often looks at another girl but sometimes ignores her does she fancies her?
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Can you tell that a boy fancies you by the expression in his eyes when he looks at you?

yes ,if he likes you his eyes get bigger

If someone looks at you at all times even when you are watching does it mean that he likes you?

very probably he fancies you

How can you tell if a girl fancies you?

usually she curls her hair with her finger while talking to you she looks directly into your eyes

This girl knows that you play drums and she said to her friend that fancies you drummers have very skilled hands and looks at you?

jus ignore her!

What does it mean when a boy stares at you most of the time and sometimes tells his friend and his friend looks at you?

It means he fancies you or you done something embarrassing so that they are laughing at you but if they are its likely they say it to your face anyway so that not very likely or they think you really fit or something.

I've been friends with this girl for two years when school began she was happy that we were in the same class But sometimes she ignores and constantly looks at me how does she feel towards me?

There is not a way to tell how this girl feels about you. The best thing for you to do is ask her how she feels about you.

If a boy stares at you and looks down and stares again does it mean he likes you?

He probably fancies you.girls have good enstincts about these things Trust them

How come the guy you like looks at you one day and then ignores you the next over and over again?

Maybe he doesn't know that you are interested in him.

If a guy looks at you because he knows his mate likes you and you start to look at him he ignores you why?

Because his friend probably doesnt want him to make it obvious.

What does it mean when someone looks right through you?

It usually means that they either, A.) Have no idea who you are so ignores you or B.) your transparent. That last one was a joke . . .

Why do boys take sneaky looks of you and is not talkin to you but he used to be dead nice to you u seen his friend tease him and his friend is staring at you a lot?

His freind probaly fancies you and teased the other boy so that he would not like him anymore. Now he probaly likes you. I'm sure the other boy stilll fancies you deep down.

How do you if a guy has a crush on you?

He acts strangely around you. Tries to talk to you every chance he gets. Asks you out. Ignores you. Secretly looks at you every chance he gets.