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if you were that depressed enough to lie to the cops and have your boyfriend taken away you need serious help and he needs to find a new girl friend that's total bs maybe you should of called an ambulance for your unstability.

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Q: I was depressed and took it out on my boyfriend and called the cops and he got charged with domestic charges and he didnt hit me and i had to tell them he did?
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Will you be charged if they find you to be the agressor on a domestic violence case in which you are not pressing charges on?

In most states yes. But not in all states.

Can someone who has been charged with domestic assault obtain a gun permit?

If the charges have been dismissed, yes. If the charges are pending, or have resulted in a conviction, no. Check with a local attorney to be sure.

Is the nucleus of an atom negatively charges?

Firstly it's charged not charges. But no it is not negatively charged but positivly charged.

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Why does a charged body attract an uncharged body?

The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.

Can criminal charges be added which were overlooked?

Yes. Charges that are not charged at the time of arrest can be charged and prosecuted later.

What can your parent do if you are 16 and leave home to live with your 23 yr old boyfriend?

Your boyfriend can be charged with statutory rape as you are a minor, even if you do this willingly. Also, the State can file the same charges even if your parents give permission.

How can you get felony domestic violence charges dismissed without prejudice?

Domestic Violence is one of the charges that cannot be expunged from your record.

How a conductor is charged?

A conductor is charged by the movement of electric charges, creating an electric field that influences the charges within the conductor, causing them to redistribute accordingly. This redistribution of charges results in the conductor becoming charged.

How can both parties be charged with domestic violence when neither party laid charges?

The state attorney's office (or the equivalent thereof) may file charges against anyone on its own initiative if it finds there is probable cause to believe a crime has been committed.

What will opposite charges do according to the law of electric charges?

Opposite charges will attract each other according to the law of electric charges. This means that a positively charged object will be attracted to a negatively charged object.

When a charged object polarized another why is there an attraction between the object?

The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.The charged body will induce a separation of charges in the uncharged body.